Dariusz Patkowski-Pioneer of Minimally Invasive Pediatric Surgery 


Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology Wroclaw Medical University is one of the well-known and most modern in Poland. We are the tertiary reference center of pediatric surgery and pediatric urology and the only neonatal surgery center in Lower Silesia district. Since 2022 we have been a member of ERNICA (The European Reference Network for Rare Inherited Congenital (digestive and gastrointestinal) Anomalies). Patient care started prenatally in the  Obstetrics Ward continues by Neonatal Department supported with Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Our multidisciplinary team of pediatric surgeons and urologists completes with orthopedics, neurosurgeons and cooperates with other pediatric  clinics (gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology), genetic counseling, physiotherapy, and psychology teams.

We specialize in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, endoscopy, also in newborns), and the Head of the Clinic, prof. Dariusz  Patkowski is a recognized world-class expert in minimally invasive surgery. He has extensive experience in endoscopic surgery, especially in the thoracoscopic treatment of esophageal atresia (he has operated on over 300 children with this defect, making him one of the world leaders). He develops the internal traction, a technique of endoscopic lengthening of the esophagus used in long-gap esophageal atresia. Prof. Patkowski is also the creator of a world-wide recognized method of laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery (PIRS – Percutaneous Internal Ring Suturing), currently utilized in at least 20 countries.

The clinic also conducts teaching and research activities. We train medical students and doctors – the department is accredited for specialization training in pediatric surgery and pediatric urology. Additionally, the Clinic Team runs a periodic “Intensive Practical Course in Endoscopic Surgery in Children” for other surgeons, and we had been the first center in Poland to host pediatric minimally invasive surgery course in 1997. We also organized numerous online broadcasts of advanced operations in real-time, with operator commentary and the possibility of asking questions (streaming both domestic and international).

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